

Reiki is a healing method involving the laying on of hands on or near the body, where the client either lies down or sits. Sessions are conducted fully clothed, usually with the client lying down and covered with a light blanket. Often, relaxing nature or soothing music plays throughout the session to enhance relaxation. This is a silent technique, meaning the Reiki practitioner is in silence, focused, and in a meditative state, which quickly transfers to the client, allowing them to relax and quiet their thoughts.

Such complete relaxation is the state of healing. Reiki allows energy to move naturally, calming the mind, increasing vitality, and harmonizing the body. The hands and their positions act as channels for the flow of Reiki energy. Each hand position is held for an average of 3 minutes, but can be longer if needed.

A Reiki healer can sense energy blockages or deviations from a harmonious state with their hands or entire body. These sensations can include heat or cold, electric impulses in the hands, tingling/pain in the fingers and hands, numbness in the hands, or pressure/pain extending to the shoulder. The position is held until the practitioner feels these sensations decrease or disappear. Meanwhile, the client may also feel and sense the energy moving in their body, emotions surfacing, colors, memories, etc.

How does Reiki work?

Reiki energy is intelligent energy that moves to where it is most needed, addressing the root cause. It can be described as a flowing river, symbolizing freely moving energy in the body. Sometimes pebbles or larger stones fall into the river, gradually obstructing the flow—these are people’s worries, fears, anger, and other negative feelings. When the pebbles and larger stones move closer together, a pile forms, and soon the water trickles only quietly through. Similarly, energy behaves in a person.

This method is easy to apply for oneself and others, as Reiki essentially thinks and decides for the person. Reiki’s depth lies in helping to let go of rational thinking, become physically perceptive, and learn to meditate and be consistently present. Reiki heals mentally, emotionally, and physically. The result depends on each person’s current situation and life experience, as the individual draws the energy they need most at that moment. The practitioner works intuitively with the body, both physically and non-physically, sensing where and when to move their hands.

Sometimes a single session can be just what is needed and provide enough reserves to move forward. However, it is recommended to have 3 or more sessions with sufficient intervals so the client has time to work on themselves and notice changes. Since Reiki is an excellent way to relax, it can be taken like a regular massage.

Useful to know about Reiki

Reiki is an ancient form of energy therapy rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in late 19th century Japan. He named it Reiki because he believed this word best described universal life energy. This energy calms the mind, increases vitality, heals, and harmonizes.

Different cultures have various words for Reiki, such as Prana, Mana, Ki, Chi, Light, Holy Spirit, Bioenergy, Higher Consciousness, etc. Reiki is based on Eastern philosophies. The roots of the Reiki method extend to ancient India, Tibet, and China, from where this knowledge and practices spread to Japan, where Sensei Usui created the Natural Healing Method called Reiki.

Reiki ethics

A professional practitioner has generally completed at least the second level of Reiki courses. Counseling, first aid, and anatomical skills are beneficial. Although Reiki is suitable for everyone and has no contraindications, sessions are conducted only for clients who willingly seek it. It is essential that the client is not pressured or forced to receive treatment. A Reiki practitioner can help, but the responsibility for the treatment lies with the client.

Reiki complements conventional medicine but does not replace it. Based on Reiki ethics and healing principles, a Reiki channeler avoids using medical terms and making diagnoses without professional training. For significant health issues, the practitioner advises consulting a doctor.

Interesting scientific facts about Reiki

Many experiments worldwide have confirmed that the existence of meridians, chakras, and the biofield can be measured with devices and that energy healing is not solely based on the placebo effect. Reiki is a recognized treatment method in many Western countries (USA, UK, Ireland, etc.) hospitals and clinics. It is often used in cancer treatment, intensive care, maternity wards, and rehabilitation. It is common for surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses to use Reiki in their daily work, as this method effectively reduces stress, pain, swelling, anxiety, and accelerates recovery processes.

According to renowned English biophysicist James L. Oschman, Reiki and other energy healing methods are based on energy fields emanating from the healer’s hands, which can be scientifically measured (Oschman, 2002). He supports his claim with several previous experiments, the first of which was conducted in the 1980s by John Zimmerman, a scientist at the University of Colorado Medical School. He used a highly sensitive magnetometer (SQUID) to measure the field generated around the healer’s hands during therapy. It was found that a pulsing biomagnetic field, ranging from 0.3 to 30 Hz, emanates from the healer’s hands during the treatment.

Zimmerman discovered that the pulsing field from the healer’s hands does not have a fixed frequency but changes rapidly, encompassing the same frequency that can be achieved with a PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields) generating device. PEMF generating devices are used in medicine to accelerate the healing of various tissues (Charman, 2000).

Reiki research

Numerous studies have been conducted on Reiki’s effectiveness. One significant study was carried out from January 2001 to June 2002, during which a total of 1480 Reiki sessions were performed. The results showed that Reiki has a significant positive impact, reducing stress and anxiety in patients by an average of 94%, nausea by 80%, pain by 78%, and improving sleep quality in 86% of patients (Moore, 2004). Most researchers of Reiki’s effectiveness have observed its impact on general disease symptoms: changes in pain, anxiety, fatigue, and fear levels.

Surgeons and anesthesiologists who use Reiki in their daily work claim that their patients experience less stress and fear before surgery and less pain, discomfort, and nausea after surgery, and are calmer. In many cases, faster healing of wounds and fractures has been observed, reducing hospital stay time. The need for painkillers, antidepressants, sleeping pills, and other medications often decreases.

In the USA, energy healing is used in more than 50 major hospitals and clinics. Additionally, many hospitals and clinics in Australia, England, and Ireland have separate departments for Reiki treatment.


If Reiki can help