
Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Therapy

Chi Nei Tsang enhances vitality, eliminates stagnation, detoxifies, and balances the body’s five elements (fire, water, air, earth, ether), thereby also balancing the person’s psyche.

At the beginning of a Chi Nei Tsang (CNT) session, there is a discussion with the practitioner to determine the health background, including both physical and emotional health issues.

The practitioner then asks the client to lie on the massage table on their back, and the clothes are removed from the abdomen so that it is free for massage from the rib cage to the top of the pelvis.

CNT practitioners use fingertips, hands, oil, light pressure, and massage techniques to release blocked energies and tensions in the abdominal area and help restore the balance of the body’s energy flow. Breathing and the pronunciation of specific sounds during exhalation (each organ has its own sound) are very important in CNT. For example, “Haa” is for the heart and “Choo” for the kidneys. The practitioner breathes and sounds along with the client, creating a similar effect to that of releasing breath.

Abdominal therapy also uses Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and Kung Fu techniques to balance the body, mind, and spirit.


A CNT session lasts about 1 hour and ends with the practitioner giving advice on how to help oneself at home with meditation and visualization.

Depending on the issue and physical indications, the practitioner may recommend several sessions. Abdominal massage can be done a maximum of 2 times a week, and the entire treatment course could include a total of 10 sessions.

As a result of the abdominal massage, various emotions such as laughter or crying may be released. It adds vitality, removes stagnations, detoxifies, balances the body’s five elements (fire, water, air, earth, ether), and thus also affects the person’s psyche. Additionally, it is beneficial for strengthening the immune system.

When can Chi Nei Tsang help?

This massage technique, developed according to traditional Chinese medicine principles, aims to release and heal emotional blockages stored physically in the body. CNT is used for various conditions, including:

  • Chronic pain in different body parts
  • Psychological issues
  • Stress-related health problems and headaches
  • Energy issues, such as chronic fatigue and autoimmune diseases
  • Circulatory problems
  • Digestive issues, such as constipation, gas, and slow digestion
  • Genital problems, including infertility
  • Foot and knee problems

Although many people may approach this method with prejudice, it is widely known that, for example, when we fall in love, we feel “butterflies” in our stomachs, or that worries and stress can cause stomach aches and cramps. A common example is that children develop stomach aches when significant changes occur in their lives, such as starting kindergarten or school.


CNT is a centuries-old health art and has been part of the Chinese healing tradition for centuries. However, every individual has unique needs and different health conditions, so it is very important to discuss your health condition and possible contraindications with a Chi Nei Tsang practitioner before the session.

Here is a list of some contraindications for which CNT is not recommended:

  • Tumors
  • Pregnancy
  • Menstruation
  • Diarrhea
  • High blood pressure
  • Fever
  • Severe weakness and exhaustion
  • Thrombosis
  • Intrauterine devices (IUDs)

It is advised not to eat at least 2 hours before the massage. At least 1 year should have passed since any abdominal surgery.

In cases of heart disease or hypertension, caution should be exercised as the therapy may affect blood pressure.

Useful information about Chi Nei Tsang

Taoist monks first used abdominal massage hundreds of years ago in their monasteries to help their bodies detoxify, achieve physical and energetic strength, and resist illnesses, maintaining the energy needed for spiritual activities.

Today, the CNT method is promoted by the Chinese Taoist and Qi Gong master Mantak Chia, who lives in Thailand and has authored numerous books.

Thousands of years ago, Taoists realized that emotions affect organs and saw that unreleased emotions are the main cause of diseases. Emotions like anger, sadness, fear, or jealousy can be felt and often are not released properly. These emotions are connected to specific organs and can disrupt their normal function.

Chi Nei Tsang literally means “working with the energy of the internal organs” or “transforming the energy of the internal organs.”

Energiakeskuste kaart Chi Nei Chang kõhuteraapias

Although emotions cannot be classified by moral judgment – because we do not choose how we feel – we still subconsciously choose how we manage our emotions.

If we cannot overcome anger, it is likely to turn into persistent rage. Rage, in turn, can cause pathologies such as chronic pain and constipation, menstrual cycle disorders, or migraines.

Our body tells us exactly how we feel, as we cannot notice it in any other healthier way.


If Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Therapy can help