
Trauma and tension release exercises (TRE)

TRE is a simple method that uses physical exercises to release stress or tensions in the body accumulated from daily life, difficult situations, short- or long-term stress, or traumatic experiences.

In which cases can it help?

  • chronic stress
  • low energy levels
  • anxiety
  • sleep disorders
  • physical tension
  • emotional traumas (reduction of aggression)
  • chronic pain caused by our daily life and fast pace.

How does it work?

TRE consists of a series of exercises that help release deep tension from the body by activating a muscle shaking process controlled by the body, known as neurogenic muscle tremors. The uniqueness of the method lies in the fact that the shaking originates from the core muscles in the center of the body, specifically the psoas muscles. Gentle tremors travel outward along the spine, releasing tensions from the sacrum to the skull.

TRE exercises involve simple stretches used to gently stimulate spontaneous muscle tremors. Once the exercises are learned and mastered after repeated sessions, the warm-up exercises can be sped up or replaced with regular exercises you already do, such as walking, yoga, etc. Thus, TRE becomes a quick and effective method for achieving lasting relaxation.

The shaking mechanism in muscles is part of our natural human response. Muscle shaking increases the body’s resilience by inducing deep relaxation, which naturally reduces stress levels. This process can release emotions ranging from mild irritation to severe anxiety, regardless of whether it is caused by work stress, excessive worry, relationship conflicts, physical stress, or trauma from accidents.

Anyone can benefit from TRE, whether you are a parent/spouse looking to cultivate patience in family interactions, a victim of violence or an accident, a soldier with PTSD, an athlete, or simply someone who wants to become more resilient and feel better in life.


  • epilepsy
  • seizures
  • schizophrenia
  • pregnancy

Interesting facts from science

David Bercelli (Ph.D), the creator of the TRE method, is an international expert in trauma release and conflict resolution. This revolutionary technique is designed to help release traumatic experiences or deep tensions accumulated during chronic stress. Dave has lived and worked for two decades in nine countries, conducting trauma relief seminars and designing recovery programs for international organizations worldwide. David is unique in that he has a strong academic and experiential foundation in psychotherapy and therapeutic bodywork.

The list of publications and studies featured on the website https://traumaprevention.com/research/ is impressive.

Useful to know

Since 2014, a global certification training program has been followed, allowing those who receive this certification to offer TRE individually and/or in groups. The purpose of the certification is to expertly teach the student or client TRE techniques and support the experience.




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