Buduaar article. Britta Burket:
Sometimes you need a nudge to get moving

Coach, mentor, and one of Rikardia’s founders, Britta Burket, believes that sometimes you need a smaller or larger nudge to get moving and see that many things are actually possible. “Through coaching, I have personally experienced how courage and clarity emerge, and I want to offer support for both smaller and larger transformations,” she explains why she does her work.

Changes begin with small things

Britta believes that big changes start with small things, and if even one or a few people are calmer, friendlier, more loving, creative, kinder, or more motivated, it makes the people around them feel better too.

Britta’s principles in work and life are that she creates her own life through various experiences and situations, and she chooses how to react. “Of course, not everything always works out the way I wanted, and I have to take responsibility for that as well. I like to do things with heart. If you believe in something, you can move mountains!” she says.

Britta’s formula for happiness is: happiness = (gratitude + good company + strong health + freedom + responsibility + creativity + mystical ‘X’) x love. Of course, you also have to constantly update your happiness formula and, preferably, simplify it.

Three tips for self-development:

  • Take the time to review your activities as openly as possible and think about what has gone well.
  • If you are not satisfied with your current situation, write down three changes you want to make in your life. Be as specific as possible. If you don’t know what you want, start by writing down what you absolutely do not want, and then think about the opposite of the undesired.
  • Read, learn, and develop yourself – in this way, you are more likely to find solutions.

Read more here.

You can book an appointment with Britta here: